
Strategical Counseling

Vast experience, exposure to and dealing with a varied range of projects grant us with all the tools necessary for client consultation that will direct the project to success intertwining legal, economical tactical, chronological and psychological advice.
Many of our clients consult with us on many aspects and incorporate our advice. In result, the final project achieved is the correct all encompassing solution.

Building Planning

Architect Marsh, office owner, accompanied by two Senior Architects, previously team leaders and assisted by three building planning teams deal with planning a myriad of various building and complex projects.
The involvement of all planning team members creates a synergetic creative process benefitting each project.
The experience in a vast variety of project types and buildings allows for complete and comprehensive treatment of projects.

City Planning

Since the early 1990’s Marash has dealt with Urban Planning. Dealing with hundreds of projects in the field the office has become especially professional and has gained expertise in this fascinating field. Architect Marash and his planning team of Architects & Urban Geographers (urban & regional) deal with the urban, rural & regional aspects of

the firms’ business. This field adds to the wholistic and integral planning capabilities and depth allowing the office to delve in the entire planning spectrum for a given project.

Interior Design

A building is not completed with its’ envelope, but begins with it environment, continues with its envelope and is completed with its interior spaces which create its interior atmoshphere. These three factors cannot be separated. As part of the collective thought process we see much interest in creating an interior

planning solution from the level of such details as curtains, carpeting, furniture , wallpapering and paint as well as all the major elements of interior planning.

Complete Inclusive Holistic Planning

As part of our integral planning concept we do not leave our clients without solutions.
The project scheme will include consideration of all the necessary aspects relevant to the project.
From planning strategy to legal aspects, creating the right environment and including statutorical considerations, property embellishment concerns and including the specifics of each building/project from envelope to interior design we will give our client the complete picture to lead to the projects’ success.
This is what we attain and strive to achieve each and every project from anew.
Many years of experience, continued learning, delving deep into various project types in addition to diligence, talent and simple hard work, our firm offers the client to “pick of the fruits”of continued success..
